Guiding Tunnel
Every night an uncountable amount of neon tubes are burning in even more subways. They burn in independence of the number of people crossing the subways. That means, there is no light- and therefore energy regulation for the true necessity.
Guiding Tunnel is totally wainscoted with EL-foil (EL=electroluminescent) and in the ground there is a piezoelectric polymer mesh. This mesh notices pressure and transforms it to electricity. These electric impulses control the regulator device for the EL-foils.
Compared to an energy wasting neon tubes tunnel, Guiding Tunnel needs only a fraction of that energy. This is both due to the energy efficient EL-foil and the concept of the tunnel itself. You are accompanied by a ring of light when you walk through the tunnel. The ring gives you the feeling of a personal companion, which gives you a higher feel of safety. This feeling is emphasized by the concept itself, because no bad people can hide anywhere. All the moving species are detected by the tunnel and are given a ring of light, which surely has a deterred effect.
- Date 2004
- Client self initiated conceptual study