The First Bank of the then young United States; Philadelphia | Photo: Matthias Ries
More or less with this small, inconspicuous building from 1791, our current global economical and ecological problems took their start.

Ford | Photo: Matthias Ries
The Ford T-model started the serial automobile production in the US and world wide in 1908. Just 100 years later, this led to a complete addiction and dependency on a single type of artifact – the car.

Up from the grave he arose; Philadelphia | Photo: Matthias Ries
The flat earth concept that has been dominant until around 350 BC is astonishingly sustainable in our todays christian religious mythological perception of heaven and hell. Jesus arose up!, whatever and whereever up is. The view of a god that watches us from above (which is where to Jesus arose from the grave) is persistent even in our days’ religious education of children.
17th of May 2015
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Philadelphia is loaded with history and historical references. It is one of the oldest cities in the US and served as a temporary capital of the US from 1790–1800. It was also Philadelphia, where the Declaration of Independence was signed in July 4th of 1776.